Monday, March 24, 2014

The Value of Rapid Response

The Value of Rapid Response

Over the past few weeks, I have been reminded of the value of rapid response. I once heard Michael Porter, the well known strategist comment that for many customers, the quality of a lawyer is often determined by how fast the lawyer gets back to his client. The quality of his work is far less obvious in many situations.

Two observations reminded me this week of the value of getting back to clients quickly. 

In one situation, I contacted two direct competitors. At one firm, contacts with four different people have led to no follow-up over a 6 week period. At the second firm, my first email was filtered out by the spam filter they used, but the follow-up phone call led to a connection being made in 15 minutes. You can guess how both firms look to me.

The second observation is the result of attending a number of conferences this quarter. Over the years, I have exhibited at many conferences. Perhaps the most important rule of follow-up is "Strike while the iron is hot." I am surprised how few companies put this simple meme into practice. Marketing automation (e.g. SilverPop, Marketo, Hubspot) is clearly not being used by these firms.

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